FTM Recipe Calculator

E Liquid Calculator | Mix Your Own E Juice | Vaping Hardware
E-liquid calculator

Recipe Inputs

Nicotine Base
Flavour Base
Nicotine Base Strength   mg/ml =   %
Target Nicotine Level   mg/ml
Amount (Bottle Size)   ml
Recipe Name
Flavour Number Supplier Flavour %
Water / Vodka Dilutant   %
PG / VG Ratio  / 
Drops / ml   drops/ml

Recipe Results

Ingredients ml grams drops %

Recipe Summary

Date Made
Nicotine Level
Water / Vodka
PG / VG Mix


All nicotine will be suspended in either PG or VG or a combination of the two.

Whether you’re buying Nic Shots or larger amounts of nicotine, its strength and the liquid it’s mixed in will be printed on the bottle.

Flavour base is the liquid that the flavour concentrate is suspended in.

Typically it will be in PG although some manufacturers are starting to suspend the flavour in VG.

Especially helpful if you have a PG intolerance – more on this later!

This is the overall strength of the Nicotine you’re mixing with.

It’s measured in mg/ml but is sometimes written as a percentage – 18mg is the same as 1.8%.

Within Europe, the maximum strength you can buy is 20mg (2%) but is normally sold in 18mg strengths.

A good starting point when you start mixing is 50PG/50VG but personally we prefer a 30PG/70VG mix…

PG gives you the β€œThroat Hit” while VG gives you more vapor (bigger clouds!).

Just remember some people are PG Intolerant and may suffer unpleasant symptoms when vaping PG. If this sounds like you, it’s best to mix at 100% VG.

If you’re using a Pod system, we suggest you mix at a 50/50 ratio as this will help the wick to saturate and prevent dry hits.

AVG stands for aqueous vegetable glycol, which is essentially just vegetable glycol thinned down with 10% distilled water. Ideal if you want to mix at a higher VG ratio without ‘gumming’ up your coil! Also especially handy for those of you with a PG intolerance!

If you want to use our e liquid calculator to mix with AVG, just set your PG/VG ratio to 100% VG and you’re good to go!

This is totally dependent on the flavor(s) you’re using and your personal preference… Some flavors are amazing at 10%, some better at 20% or even higher!

BUT a great starting point would be 15%. Just remember it’s far easier to start off low and add a little more flavor later if you need to!

Yes you can! Experimenting with different flavor mixes is one of the best reasons to start mixing your own e-liquid!

Just hit the ‘Add’ flavor button on our e liquid calculator to add extra flavors!

We’ll be adding our top picks for flavor recipes in the near future so be sure to check back soon!

Our e liquid calculator will allow you to select whatever nicotine strength you want. Knowing what nicotine strength to choose is really down to personal preference and what you’re hoping to get out of vaping. Store bought e-juice usually ranges from 3mg (0.3%) to 6mg (0.6%).

BUT if you’re a heavy smoker you’ll probably want to try a higher strength; 9mg, 12mg (0.9% or 1.2%) or maybe even higher. The limit is governed by the strength of your Base Nicotine.

Keep in mind that using a sub-ohm tank or RDA (vaping at high wattage) will mimic the effect of a higher strength nicotine.

We’ve written a detailed post to help you decide what nicotine strength is right for you so be sure to check it out!

Yes, mixing e-juice without nicotine is simple! Just set your ‘Target Nicotine Level’ to zero and you’re good to go!

Yes you can! They’re calculated in exactly the same way, just input your ‘Nicotine Base Strength’ and ‘Target Nicotine Strength’.

Generally speaking, there’s very little difference other than the ‘Throat Hit’, which is less harsh when using Nic Salts compared to the same strength of Freebase Nicotine.

We’ve written a detailed guide to Nicotine Salts which you can find here!

Whether you want to steep your e-juice is totally down to personal preference. You can just ‘shake and vape’ as soon as you’re finished mixing!

BUT if you want the best flavor possible from your e-liquid, we recommend steeping for at least a week in a cool, dark place.

Take a look at our detailed Steeping Guide to learn how to steep and what you can do to speed up the process!

Dilutant can be added (distilled or pure water, even vodka!) to ‘thin’ your e-liquid. This is mainly done when using high or Max VG e-juice due to its thick consistency.

Diluting thick e-juice helps your wick saturate more efficiently and even helps prolong your coil!

Yes, we recommend mixing by weight for greater accuracy. It’s far easier to hit specific weight measurements to 3 decimal places than it is ‘eyeballing’ the line when using a measuring beaker!

However, we’ve included both options on the e liquid calculator so you can pick and choose depending on your mixing style!

We would recommend choosing a scale with an accuracy of 0.1% tolerance and weighing capability up to 500 grams.

It’s also important to get a scale with a ‘tare’ function! This enables you to zero the measurement display after adding each ingredient, ready for the next. We highly recommend this scale on Amazon.

Hopefully by now you’re well on your way to mixing your own e liquid. Don’t forget to take a screen shot or copy of the ‘recipe summary’… just in case you want to create the same mix again!

If you’ve had any problems using our e liquid calculator, please feel free to check out the full user guide here!

Please also feel free to drop us a comment below!

Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of Lindsay Fox

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Comments 12

    1. Post
    1. Post

      Hi Randy,

      Thanks for the feedback. We will be looking at whether we can add this in a future update. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to add this functionality in previous updates but it’s always useful to hear feedback from our visitors. Many thanks Randy and happy vaping!

  1. I have 50 ml of nicotine and 120 raspberry French. I want 16 mg of nicotine can anyone help me with the ratio. Thank you

    1. Post

      Hi Patricia,

      Thanks for the comment. We can certainly help you with the amounts you’d need to mix to make a 16mg strength e-liquid. However, first we’ll need a bit more information on what you’re using.

      Are you trying to add nicotine to 120ml of e-liquid that has zero nicotine currently in it? Also, what is the base strength of your 50ml of nicotine? Is it 18mg, 20mg or a higher strength? The strength of the nicotine can typically be found on the nicotine bottle.

      If your 120ml of e-liquid has no nicotine currently in it then it’s most likely a ‘shortfill’ bottle. If this is the case then you might find our ‘Nicotine Shot / Shortfill Calculator‘ useful.

      If you can give us a bit more info on what you’re using we can help with some actual figures and amounts πŸ™‚

  2. Used your calculator for the first time. Thank you for this service. I still get nervous using the nicotine and never trust my own calculations when mixing up a batch of e liquid.

    1. Post

      Hi Mas,

      We’re really glad you like the calculator and thanks so much for letting us know πŸ™‚ When you’re mixing e liquid and using nicotine its always nice to know the calculations are taken care of for you. I must have mixed hundreds of batches of e juice over the past 6 years but I still come back to our calculator every time! Happy Vaping πŸ™‚

  3. Where do u find the percentages on the nicotine cause mines says nicotine solution 4.8% 125 mg/4.22oz what would I put in the nicotine spot I want 3 mg of nicotine please

    1. Post

      Hi Mimi,

      Thanks for the comment. The ‘4.8%’ on your bottle refers to the strength of your undiluted nicotine. On the calculator you can put in 48 mg/ml in the ‘Nicotine Base Strength’ section. Then select a ‘Target Nicotine Level’ of 3 mg/ml and you’re good to go πŸ™‚

      Hope this helps Mimi, anymore questions don’t hesitate to ask. Happy vaping!

  4. Hi Guys just used your e liquid calc again and was pleased to see you’ve now included the option of mixing by weight. Great calculator does everything I need. Thanks.

    1. Post

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