Free DIY Eliquid Recipe by Folkart - PSYCHO. This is a remix of SMAX Pony On Acid. I've been working on this profile for quite some time. I released a similar profile December 2018, Rudolph On Acid ( https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/131873#rudolph_on_acid_by_folkart ). And while it was a decent recipe, it wasn't a clone or remix. It was a version I created on my journey to try and crack Pony On Acid. After many months and testing various strawberries, creams, pineapples, and berries, I think I've come about as close to the original as I can.
SMAX describes this e-liquid as, "a psychedelic blend of magical berries laced with a euphoric-and-intoxicating strawberry glaze, delivering a flavor profile experience that will have you craving more." For the most part the description is accurate. I do however get a very slight floral note from the original but over all it is a very nice commercial e-liquid. I get a airy almost whipped cream with marshmallow and creamy vanilla, a somewhat strawberry glaze, with light hints of pineapple and generic berry/raspberry, and just a pinch of graham. The pineapple note and berry note really does turn this profile into an interesting and unique departure from your basic "Strawberries and Cream". I can see why so many people enjoy it.
I want to be clear that this recipe, for certain, is not what SMAX uses to create their original. When I create a remix/clone, I try to pinpoint a few flavors I think they use or something that emulates what they use and build upon it. If I were to try to figure out exactly what they use, it would never be finished and I would lose my mind in the process. So, with that being said, this is how I approached it.
Lets start with the cream base.
The first thing I noticed with the cream base was a marshmallow note. A lot of marshmallows can mute recipes so I wanted to use one that had the least muting affect and FA Marshmallow was the obvious choice. At 3% it may seem a bit high but that's where I thought it shined the best, especially since it was so pronounced in the original. FA marshmallow was the right fit but it needed something to fill it out and FA New York Cheese Cake does that very well. It also brings that very slight graham note I was picking up in the original. I tried other cheese cakes but they seemed to have too much of that "cheesiness" that so many people like, but was not in the original. The original also has a slight creamy/milky/vanilla note. Getting this right was actually the hardest part of the remix. FA Meringue is always a great choice when adding a milky note, but it needed something else to bring home the creamy/vanilla note. I chose CAP Vanilla Bean Ice Cream for it's vanilla and "melted ice cream" creamy note, but only at 1% ( I didn't want to turn it into an ice cream). And paired with the FA Meringue it simulated the creamy/milky/vanilla note I was after. You may think using 4 "cream" flavorings seems like a lot to use in a recipe, and I would agree in most instances, however, in this case, each brings a unique note that really blends well without over flavoring.
Now the fruits.
Which strawberry should I choose? I could have approached this with a combination of strawberries like TPA ripe, FA Red Touch, and maybe INW Shisha Strawberry and this may have worked. But then my recipe would have been 9 flavorings and that ain't good. I try my best to keep my recipes to 7 or less. So my goal was to choose a strawberry that did what all three would do in the aforementioned. This was tough. I hate to admit this but I'm not a huge fan of strawberries. So many of them taste "chemically" to me. So the search was on. One choice was JF Sweet Strawberry. It does the "strawberry glaze" pretty well but it seemed a bit too artificial for me. As some of you might know, I've been on a Health Cabin kick lately, and I have to admit some are ok, some are super strong, but there are a few that I absolutely love and HC Fresh Strawberry is one of them. To me, this is a perfect combination of authentic strawberry, candy strawberry, and strawberry glaze. If you don't have it, get it! You won't be disappointed if you like strawberries. You can get it here https://www.diyvaporsupply.com/fresh-starwberry-hc/ or if not in the USA, here https://www.healthcabin.net/10ml-vapelf-berries-concentrated-flavors-p/18494.html .
The pineapple and berry note was a little difficult to get right. I tried TPA pineapple but it was too "throaty". I tried INW pineapple and it was ok, but the pineapple was too pronounced. After a few more pineapple flavors, I settled on TPA Pineapple Juicy, which is kind of a weird pineapple because it's like a pineapple with marshmallow. But for this profile it was perfect because of the marshmallow and at only .35% you can tell that some type of acidic/pineapple note is there but not throaty. (Thank you Graham Digital_Drops for the recommendation!)
The raspberry/berry note I started out with was TPA Sweet Raspberry and while it's probably what SMAX is using, it carries with it a floral note which I did pick up in the original. I wanted to eliminate that off note and went with RF Yumberry SC. Now is it a raspberry? No. But when used very low, it does have a generic sweet berry note. And all I needed was just a hint of berry note.
I added .75% Cap Super Sweet to match the sweetness of the original which to me is not too sweet, but you can adjust to your liking.
Wow! That was a long description. But I wanted to explain why I used each flavor. As I stated previously, I'm certain this is not how SMAX built Pony On Acid, but if you're a fan of the original, I don't think you will be disappointed with this remix. Is it a 100% clone? No. But to me it's as close as I can get without knowing the exact recipe.
This can be a shake and vape but is best if you let it steep for 7 days.
I hope you will mix, comment, and or rate, it make us all better mixers. 🙂
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Check out "The Folkart Collection" one shots available at https://chefsflavours.co.uk/one-shots/folkart-oneshots/ and Folkart's Reserve one shot at https://nomnomz.co.uk/collections/diy-community-one-shots/products/folkarts-reserve-concentrate-by-folkart .
All proceeds I receive help me bring the DIY community content for DEVELOPED, helps pay for flavorings, and gives me the ability to continue to produce recipes for everyone to enjoy.
Vendor | Flavoring | % |
HC | Fresh Strawberry | 3 |
FA | Marshmallow | 3 |
FA | Meringue | 2 |
FA | New York Cheesecake | 2.5 |
TPA | Pineapple Juicy | .35 |
CAP | Super Sweet | .75 |
CAP | Vanilla Bean Ice Cream | 1 |
RF | Yumberry - Super Concentrate | .1 |